T24 Bulk Update Multiple Parameters

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This Software title is licensed as FREEWARE. This means it is completely Free to use and can be copied and distributed freely as long as the following conditions are met:
  • The source files on the original media cannot be changed in any way and must be distributed in full including any soft documentation.
  • The software must not be packaged as an end user application. It must only be used as a configuration tool.
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V 1.1.0

This application allows you to change some of the common parameters of acquisition modules just by pairing to a module.

You can optionally keep the same radio channel or change the module to a specified radio channel.

Currently supports: T24-SA, BWSHK, BW-S325, BW-S475, T24-VA, T24-IA, T24-RA and T24-TA.
You can change the TX Interval, Sample Time, Sleep Delay, Low Power Mode and RF Channel.
For unsupported modules you can still change the radio channel.

NOTE: This only works if the T24 Toolkit has already been installed!

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