
Our technical presentations available for download...

T24 - Wireless Telemetry T24 - Wireless Telemetry Wirelessly transmits a wide range of sensor outputs up to 800 m (2,600 ft), or further using range extender (T24-AR) and receive using a range of base stations, handhelds...
ICA - Miniature Analogue In Cell Amplifiers ICA - Miniature Analogue In Cell Amplifiers A range of miniature strain gauge amplifiers for fitting inside load cells and sensors converting them to a standard analogue output. Enabling use of long cables and dire...
DSC - Load Cell & Strain Gauge to Data Converters DSC - Load Cell & Strain Gauge to Data Converters Digital load cell converter for strain gauge sensors such as pressure transducers, load cells and torque sensors allowing direct connection to PLC’s, dataloggers &a...
ATEX - Approved Instrumentation ATEX - Approved Instrumentation ATEX approved strain gauge or load cell amplifiers are designed for operation within hazardous zones 0, 1 and 2. Devices can be connected to ATEX approved equipment or to...

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